Lazuna Cigars
9th Apr 2023
Lanuza bespoke cigars is a small upstart cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua that started as a dream for
Raul Lanuza who is a third-generation cigar roller. Raul Lanuza had a passion for everything
tobacco, and wanted to make his own cigar brand one day. After years of experimenting and
learning, he finally decided to take the plunge and start his own cigar factory.
He knew Esteli, Nicaragua was the perfect place to grow and produce tobacco. The region's
fertile soil, mild climate, and unique microclimate produce some of the best tobacco in the world.
He was ready to take on the challenge of producing the finest cigars in the world in a region that
was already home to some of the most respected and established cigar makers.
The Lanuza cigar factory is a small operation, just big enough to produce a few hundred cigars
a week. But Raul Lanuza is determined to make his mark on the industry. He focuses on using
only the best tobacco, hand-rolled by experienced cigar rollers. He pays extra attention to
quality and consistency and makes sure that every cigar that leaves his factory is perfect.
Lanuza cigars has quickly gained a reputation for their exceptional quality and taste. Cigar
aficionados from all over the world are starting to take notice, and the factory is beginning to
grow. He invested his love and passion to create the perfect cigar for enjoyment, but never
sacrificing quality for quantity.
Eventually, a distributor in the United States caught wind of his cigars and offered to help bring
his products to the American market. It was a big risk for the small factory, but he knew it was an
opportunity he couldn't pass up.
Today, Lanuza bespoke cigars are available online and in select cigar shops in the United States. His
small upstart cigar factory has become one of the most sought after cigars in the world, and his
passion for tobacco continues to grow. Raul Lanuza still focuses on quality and consistency,
creating some of the best cigars in the world, one at a time.